How To Increase Web Traffic With Video: Your Ultimate Guide

How To Increase Website Traffic with Video – Education

It’s no secret that video is one of the most popular forms of content. It’s easy to see why: People are drawn in by high-quality videos, which engage visitors, increase brand awareness and drive sales. And with the right planning and execution, your business can reap all these benefits, too. In this guide, you’ll discover several powerful ways to increase your web traffic with video marketing.

1: Add Video To Your Home Page

Adding video to your homepage is a smart move because people often visit this page when they first arrive on your site. In fact, according to HubSpot, 7 in 10 Internet users have made their decision on where to go next based on the content of the home page. So, if you want more eyes on your business, make sure to add an enticing video to your homepage whenever possible.

2: Produce Video Content Regularly

You can’t just produce a single video and expect it to drive traffic for months or years down the road. To keep people coming back, you need to produce video content regularly. You can make this task easier by using a skilled production service like New Evolution Video, or simply focus your efforts on a weekly blog post that features a spellbinding video. Either way, be sure to produce and promote new content on a regular basis so people have more chances to discover it.

3: Optimize Your Videos For Search Engines

In order for your videos to attract visitors from search engines, you need to optimize them with keywords and phrases. This means including these terms in the video title, description, and tags. You can also help boost your video’s visibility by hosting them on popular video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo, so they naturally gain more views and exposure for free.

4: Use Annotations In Your Video Content

You have likely noticed that videos on other sites often have a text box at the bottom, with a call-to-action link inviting you to subscribe or buy a product. This is an example of video annotation, and it can help increase your web traffic because people click on these links and ultimately become new leads and customers. But always make sure your annotations are relevant to the video and useful for the audience.

5: Let Your Video Content Do The Talking

People often use videos to answer questions or demonstrate how to do something, either on a product page, in a blog post, or elsewhere on your site. When you allow your video content to speak for itself and deliver essential information, you’ll keep people on your site longer and increase the chances that they’ll take further action, like buying a product or subscribing to your email list.

6: Embed Videos In Your Email Marketing

If you want to reach a large audience with your video marketing, then consider embedding them in your email marketing content. Just be sure to make the videos short and to the point so they don’t take up too much time or space in the email, and ensure they’re relevant to the email’s overall topic.

7: Add Videos To Your Social Media Channels

Videos are a great way to engage followers on social media, and they can also help you attract new ones. In fact, recent studies have shown that people are more likely to share videos than any other type of content. So be sure to post your videos on all of your social media channels, and encourage followers to share them with their friends.