Enzyme Treatment for Algae Control in Lakes and Ponds

Throughout the year, a natural decaying process occurs in lakes and ponds. Fish, birds, fecal matter, dead plants, twigs, and grass all add organic material that must be broken down before a healthy ecosystem can exist.

When this process becomes excessive, it builds up sludge and nutrients that can be problematic. These excesses can result in nuisance algae blooms, foul odors, and water clarity problems.

Reduce Sediment

An enzyme treatment is a non-chemical approach to algae control that can reduce sediment in a lake. It can also reduce nutrient loads, prevent algal blooms and improve water clarity.

Phosphorus enters lakes both externally (runoff and groundwater) or internally from the nutrient-rich sediments at the bottom of a lake. This internal phosphorus recycling can still support algal growth and blooms even when the external sources are regulated.

In-lake treatments are used to inhibit this internal recycling of phosphorus. They reduce the amount of soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) that gets into the water and can help keep your lake free from harmful algal blooms.

Prevent Algae Blooms

Algae blooms are a major concern for lake managers because they affect the aquatic ecosystem’s water quality and natural balance. They also cause unpleasant odors and decrease water clarity.

Moreover, they can cause toxic algae toxins which are dangerous for humans and animals. These toxins can be ingested through drinking water or bathing in lakes and reservoirs with algae blooms.

Many treatment solutions are available to prevent and control these harmful algal blooms. Some include aeration, chemical/biological additives, or ultrasound technology.

Reduce Nutrient Load

A nutrient load that is too high in phosphorus and nitrogen can cause an increase in nuisance algae growth. Excessive nutrients also can affect water clarity, oxygen levels, aquatic life, and human health.

Nutrient loads can be reduced through a variety of management methods. These can include:

Adding an enzyme treatment to your pond or lake can help reduce excess nutrients feeding the algae and supporting its growth. This can improve water clarity and prevent the build-up of sludge.

Improve Water Clarity

Water clarity is a vital indicator of water quality. It can help detect and address problems with nutrient inputs and sedimentation.

Enzyme treatment for algae control in lakes helps improve water clarity by breaking down organic contaminants and enhancing natural bacterial populations. It can also reduce muck build-up from the lake bottom and improve water quality.

It is important to use the right enzyme product for the job at hand. The enzyme concentration must be appropriate for the size and environment of your lake or pond.

Improve Muck Decomposition

Whether it’s the natural accumulation of fallen leaves, dead tree branches, animal waste, landscape debris, or fertilizers, muck is a common problem that can impact water clarity and the health of your lake. It can also lead to the growth of algae blooms and toxic algal toxins, such as hydrogen sulfide and methane, that can harm aquatic life.

There are several methods to control muck. One method is to manage muck build-up through dredging and reducing nutrient inputs to the lake. Another technique is to improve the decomposition of muck by getting dissolved oxygen circulated throughout the water column.

Removes Excess Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a natural nutrient that is necessary in low concentrations, but when it becomes too high in wastewater, it can cause a variety of environmental problems. This is called eutrophication and it can destroy aquatic life, create dead zones and cause fish kills.

To remove phosphorus from wastewater, many treatment plants use chemical methods. These methods include adding salts of aluminum, iron or calcium to the wastewater. The phosphorus is precipitated with these metal ions, and the resulting sludge is removed in the separation unit.

Another method is biological phosphorus removal, which uses bacteria to remove excess phosphate from the wastewater. These bacteria can take in phosphate and then store it in their cells as polyphosphates (PAOs). This process can be a cost-effective way to remove excess phosphorus from your wastewater.