NEW DELHI: Telecom regulatorTrai will start pre-consultationon net neutrality within two to three days.
“We will start pre-consultation on net neutrality in 2-3 days,” Trai chairman RS Sharma said today.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has already resolved differential tariff issue, which is a major part of net neutrality.
However, the subject did not cover other parts of net neutrality like framework forinternet -based calls, messaging, throttling of internet speed on the basis of content or paid preferences.
Telecom industry body Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) and telecom major Airtel has written to Trai seeking clarification on differential rules, whether they can offer services exclusively to their customers.
Sharma said Trai will take call on issue raised by companies based on tariff they file with the regulator.
Every telecom operator needs to file tariff with the Trai for the service they intend to provide to their customers.